
Thursday 5 September 2013

Our Sunflower

Following on form our #Kids Grow Wild Post here is the boys sunflower. As last years were destroyed by the wind we were thrilled to have one flower. The other 2 that we grew were eaten by slugs! We ended up keeping them in pots & I think it has restricted their growth a bit, we also planted them a little late.

The sunflowers back in early June.   

How grown up are they looking? I can't believe that Joseph (4.5) starts school next week, this summer has gone so fast!

x Jo x


  1. Well done on the sunflower growing. The girls love growing them every year.

    Thank you for linking up

    1. We will diffinatly give it a try again next year.

  2. i love the tiny sunflower its so cute x i hope Joesph really enjoys school x

  3. Great minds think alike - mine is the same follow up post on sunflowers!!

  4. A gorgeous picture of the boys, at least you were able to save one sunflower! I hope that Joseph enjoys big school and thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  5. Ahhh lovely! We didn't plant sunflowers this year and I so regret it now!

    thanks for sharing and linking up to How Does Your Garden Grow x
